© Manuel Félix

Luís Salgueiro is a com­pos­er of instru­men­tal, elec­tron­ic, and mixed music. whose atten­tion to tim­bre and mate­r­i­al pro­duc­tion of sound is informed by con­cepts from the field of embod­ied cog­ni­tion. Recent and upcom­ing col­lab­o­ra­tions include pieces for the the Quasar Sax­o­phone Quar­tet, trio recherche, pianists Philippe Mar­ques and Duarte Pereira Mar­tins or the Sond-Ar’te Elec­tric Ensemble.

His music has been per­formed in Ger­many, the Unit­ed States, and across Portugal’s most impor­tant venues, includ­ing the Calouste Gul­benkian Foun­da­tion, the Sala Sug­gia of Casa da Músi­ca, the Main Hall of the Nation­al Con­ser­va­toire, Palá­cio da Aju­da, Teatro Aveirense or Forum Luísa Todi. He has tak­en part in the Euro­pean Net­work of Opera Acad­e­mies, devel­op­ing work with the Gul­benkian Foun­da­tion, as well as with the The­at­er­akademie August Everd­ing, in coop­er­a­tion with JOiN at the Staat­sop­er Stuttgart.

Luís has a Master’s degree in Com­po­si­tion from the Hochschule für Musik, The­ater und Medi­en Han­nover, where he stud­ied with Ming Tsao, Gor­don Williamson and Joachim Heintz, as a DAAD schol­ar. Fol­low­ing his stud­ies, he was grant­ed the Stipendi­um für inno­v­a­tive Musikkom­po­si­tio­nen by the Nieder­säch­sis­ches Min­is­teri­um für Wis­senschaft und Kul­tur. He com­plet­ed his Bach­e­lor’s at the Esco­la Supe­ri­or de Músi­ca de Lis­boa, under the guid­ance of António Pin­ho Var­gas, Car­los Mare­cos and Luís Tinoco. He sits on the board and serves as coor­di­na­tor for the edi­to­r­i­al activ­i­ties of MPMP, movi­men­to pat­ri­mo­ni­al pela músi­ca por­tugue­sa, an inter­na­tion­al net­work of musi­cians ded­i­cat­ed to the dif­fu­sion and study of Por­tuguese her­itage in the West­ern Clas­si­cal tra­di­tion. In addi­tion to his cre­ative work, he has devel­oped rel­e­vant work in the fields of music engrav­ing and edit­ing, with a par­tic­u­lar empha­sis on con­tem­po­rary music, hav­ing con­tributed to dis­tin­guished Euro­pean pub­lish­ing hous­es such as Peters, Casa Ricor­di, and Durand – Sal­abert – Eschig.

Last updated: 26-08-2022