LS Iris is (finally) for sale!

Menuet sur le nom d'Haydn

LS Iris, a new musi­cal type­face designed by me, is now avail­able for sale from Nota­tion Cen­tral, your one-stop-shop on the web for all dig­i­tal engrav­ing goodies.

Well — I say new, but… The design hails back to 2014, and was orig­i­nal­ly but an exer­cise. The feed­back I received at the time was sur­pris­ing­ly warm. This led me to resume work in 2017, now as a SMu­FL-com­pli­ant typeface. 

LS Iris is inspired by the quirks of musi­cal hand­writ­ing (most­ly mine), and fea­tures a bold stroke with lit­tle mod­u­la­tion. Its round ter­mi­nals and con­nec­tions sim­u­late the nat­ur­al pool­ing of ink on paper, while the absence of straight lines betrays its fil­i­a­tion in cal­li­graph­ic ges­ture. The font retains its warmth and dis­tinc­tive­ness even at larg­er point sizes and in dig­i­tal appli­ca­tions. You can take a look at the whole spec­i­men here.

The pro­duc­tion process was fin­ished by this time last year. (Sur­pris­ing­ly enough, the pan­dem­ic and its suc­ces­sive lock­downs did not exact­ly trans­late into an excess of free time.) The font might receive updates in the future, most­ly in case SMu­FL-com­pli­ant appli­ca­tions devel­op in a way that makes new use of cer­tain code ranges that might be miss­ing. This is the case with Dori­co, for exam­ple; how­ev­er, I feel most of the devel­op­ments do not fit the font’s tone and tenor. You might also con­tact me in case you’re in need of some­thing spe­cif­ic, or just to share any use of you make of it!

Update, March 2022: Abra­ham has sad­ly decid­ed to shut down activ­i­ty. This post has been edit­ed to point you in the right direc­tion, but I’ll leave this orig­i­nal last para­graph untouched, as a thank-you to Abra­ham for his inspir­ing work through­out the years.

The font is dis­trib­uted by Music Type Foundry, which should be the first place you vis­it if you’re look­ing for some­thing of the sort. Abra­ham’s work is sec­ond to none, and I am delight­ed to have my work along­side his.