
Stipendium für innovative Musikkompositionen


I’m hap­py to report I’ve been award­ed the Stipendi­um für inno­v­a­tive Musikkom­po­si­tio­nen des Nieder­säch­sis­ches Min­is­teri­um für Wis­senschaft und Kultur.

This grant sup­ports young artists in the state of Nieder­sach­sen to devote them­selves to their artis­tic work, and to do so as free­lancers. This dis­tinc­tion crowns my peri­od of study in Han­nover, and fur­ther cements my ties to a place I learned to call home.

I’ve been giv­en the high­est amount award­ed this year (along­side the won­der­ful jazz sax­o­phon­ist and oboist Fynn Groß­mann). The results should come about towards the end of the sea­son, next year. I’ll be char­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly cagey about the details for now, but I can say I’m work­ing towards giv­ing the tax-pay­ers of Nieder­sach­sen as much bang for their buck as I’m able.