
© Massimo Sartirana

Anatomia de um suspiro

for violoncello

dur. ca. 6'

Premiered June 5, 2013

Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa

Raquel Merrelho

The frag­ments that accom­pa­ny the score are para­tex­tu­al; they con­sti­tute a long epi­graph that unfolds tem­po­ral­ly. They occu­py a tran­si­tion zone between the music itself and its con­text, and have the func­tion of allud­ing to the theme and sug­gest­ing keys for its appre­hen­sion. They must inform the per­former’s work with­out, how­ev­er, the inter­preter feel­ing nec­es­sary to recite them or dwell on them dur­ing the performance.