
»All endings…« at Música Viva 2022

Música Viva 2022

© Miso Music

The piece with way too long of a title has been pre­miered at the open­ing con­cert of this year’s Músi­ca Viva by the Sond’Ar-te Elec­tric Ensemble.

The occa­sion was a par­tic­u­lar­ly hap­py one: the fes­ti­val is one I would attend any­way. Miso Music has been putting it togeth­er for rough­ly as long as I’ve been alive, and it has been a place of many firsts and for­ma­tive expe­ri­ences — first as lis­ten­er, then as artist.

The con­cert was, as usu­al, live-streamed in great qual­i­ty by Miso Music. You can watch the pre­mière below:

(The video is the pro­gram’s first half — so do watch out for Cami­la Mandil­los ren­di­tion of Miguel Azguime’s Alit­er­ações da água!)

Pedro Boléo was there,