
»Early Eckensee« featured on 5:4's Outside-In

Eckensee, Stuttgart

I’m very hap­py to be one of twelve com­posers con­tribut­ing towards Out­side-In, an album project by one of the inter­net’s most notable, most com­pre­hen­sive voic­es in the field of con­tem­po­rary music: Simon Cum­mings.
Simon pens 5:4 with the same curios­i­ty he approach­es his com­po­si­tion­al as well as his research work. For over a decade, his writ­ings have been a main­stay of (and an oblig­a­tory stop for) the con­tem­po­rary music com­mu­ni­ty online — not only through the old-school, long-form blog (which is invalu­able), but also as an affa­ble pres­ence on Twit­ter.
As a response to the lock­downs imposed by the SARS-COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, Out­side-In com­piles field record­ings (col­lect­ed all around) that act as vivid reminders of, and vir­tu­al win­dows onto, the out­side world” we were forced to peer onto exclu­sive­ly from the inside of our hope­ful­ly dis­ease-free homes.
The record­ing was cap­tured in Feb­ru­ary. I found myself work­ing a week in Stuttgart, and this came on the tail end of an intense peri­od of work and trav­el — and it was, in fact, the last one since, as by that time Baden-Würt­tem­berg already reg­is­tered cas­es of COVID-19 and the coun­try would soon go into lock­down. But there and then, still free to roam and wan­dern, I decid­ed instead that the best use for the ear­ly morn­ing was seat­ing still, for a moment, and pro­gres­sive­ly wake up along­side and with the city.
Simon’s com­men­tary about my track can be read in today’s blog post. The full album, now com­plet­ed, can be down­loaded or streamed free of charge — but you’re free to make a con­tri­bu­tion, if you wish. All pro­ceeds made will be shared among the con­trib­u­tors. It is a plea­sure to appear along­side such trea­sured and inter­est­ing com­posers, like Mon­ty Adkins, Davíð Bryn­jar Franz­son, as well as nat­u­ral­ly Simon himself.