
Princeza dos sapatos de ferro

Philippe Marques no palco do CCB

I flew back to Lis­bon just in time to make it to the record­ing ses­sions of my reduc­tion-slash-arrange­ment of Ruy Coel­ho’s bal­let, A princeza dos sap­atos de fer­ro, com­mis­sioned and played four-hand­ed by the always phe­nom­e­nal Philippe Mar­ques and Duarte Pereira Mar­tins. The record­ing will be released in the duo’s next album, along­side music from Stravin­sky, Rav­el and Fer­nan­do Lopes-Graça.

They post­ed a teas­er in the run-up to their string of con­certs and sub­se­quent record­ing session: