
Reencontros de Música Contemporânea 2023

Reencontros de Música Contemporânea

© Teresa Projecto

wrap­ping pre­miered this week­end at Reen­con­tros de Músi­ca Con­tem­porânea, in Aveiro.

The con­cert was ded­i­cat­ed to promoter’s (and commissioner’s) ongo­ing project Nova Músi­ca para Novos Músi­cos, to which I’ve had the plea­sure of con­tribut­ing sev­er­al times. Its aim is build­ing up a reper­toire of short, ped­a­gog­i­cal pieces for younger play­ers that intro­duce them to the prac­ti­cal­i­ties of per­form­ing with electronics.

… which is not quite the case with wrap­ping, how­ev­er. This year, I’ve had the plea­sure of con­tribut­ing with a larg­er ensem­ble piece, which brought togeth­er all of this year’s project participants.

The fes­ti­val (and its peo­ple) is one I hold espe­cial­ly dear — not only for their con­tin­ued sup­port, but espe­cial­ly for their dar­ing pro­gram­ming. I was delight­ed to final­ly be able to make my way to Aveiro and attend.